Make a Payment

Please have your order/invoice number handy and submit your payment on the next page.

Click the below button to continue

Contact us if you have any questions.

Frequently asked payment questions:

What type of payment can I submit?

Through this secure payment link, you may submit your payment via credit card or online check.

Which credit cards do you accept?

We currently accept payments via major US credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover).  We unfortunately can’t accept credit card payments from outside of the US.

What is the CSC?

CSC stands for “Card Security Code”.  This is a 3- or 4-digit number shown on the front or back side of your debit or credit card.  This code is requested at checkout to help prevent fraud by verifying that a debit or credit card payment is being submitted by the actual cardholder.

What is AVS?

AVS stands for “Address Verification Service”.  It’s a tool provided by debit and credit card processors and banks to help prevent fraud by verifying the correct address associated with the cardholder’s credit card account.  When checking out, please be sure the billing address you enter exactly matches the billing address on file for your card, otherwise the transaction will be declined or voided.

My payment was declined/voided. What should I do?

Payments can be declined for a number or reasons.  Typically you’ll receive an error message if your card was declined which should tell you the reason.  If it’s due to a “CSC” or “AVS” fail, that means you will need to correct the card’s security code and/or billing address before trying your transaction again.  Your transaction will also be declined if your address is outside of the United States, so please be sure you’re using a major US credit card.  Some other reasons for declines might be insufficient funds or if you have tried to submit the transaction too many times in a short period of time.  If you have any issues with declined or voided transactions, please reach out to your bank for the next steps.

Do you have any other questions?  Please contact us to discuss your payment questions.

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