As part of an ongoing effort to enhance safety and accessibility in Texas schools, new regulations have are being introduced requiring compliant signage on all exterior building doors. Mandated by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) and supported by state government codes, these regulations are crucial for maintaining security through clear and consistent signage both inside and outside every exterior doorway.

Understanding These Signage Requirements

Under the new rules, all doors of school buildings that lead to the outside must have signage on both the interior and exterior sides. These guidelines, outlined by the Texas Administrative Code (TAC) and the TEA, are designed to help first responders quickly and accurately identify each school entrance during emergencies. This is an essential step toward amplifying the safety of students, staff, and visitors, and enhancing the efficiency of emergency response teams.

Key Guidelines for Compliance

To ensure your school’s signage meets these new requirements, these are the key guidelines as we understand them:

General Signage Information:

  • All instructional facilities and buildings on a school campus, including all separate and portable buildings, must display alpha-numerical characters on both the interior and exterior of each exterior door location.
  • Each exterior entrance should have one sign inside and one sign outside, displaying the same number set on each door.
  • The main entrance of the school should always be the first in the sequence and is the only door location that does not require numbering.
  • The numbering sequence should move clockwise from the main door and may be sequenced for the entire campus or for each facility individually.

Sign Design:

  • Characters should be a minimum 6″ tall.
  • The actual sign should be wide enough to accommodate up to two digits.
  • Consistency in formatting and design across all signs on each campus is recommended.
  • Ensure that the door-numbering process complies with all accessibility requirements related to signage.

Visibility and Legibility:

  • Signs must be easily readable from a distance.
  • Using large, clear fonts that are easily distinguishable, such as sans serif fonts, are typically best.
  • Characters should contrast with the sign color, either light characters on dark sign or dark characters on a light colored sign.


  • Signs should be made from durable materials that can withstand weather conditions and normal wear and tear.
  • Consider materials like non-glare acrylics for the back panel and tactile acrylic, UV printing, or heavy-duty vinyl for the numbering.

Mounting and Installation:

  • Characters may be installed on the door itself, or on at least one door where multiple doors lead from the exterior to the same room, or on the wall immediately adjacent to or above the door location.

Sign Maintenance:

  • Regular inspections and maintenance of each sign is necessary to help keep them in optimal condition.
  • Replace damaged or faded signs promptly to maintain compliance and readability.

Reference to Regulatory Codes

Please note that this is to serve as a summary of the new signage requirements issued in Texas in 2024, however, we recommend checking with local authorities for compliance in your area. And for the detailed and more in depth guidelines and regulations, also refer to the Texas Administrative Code (TAC) and the Texas Education Agency (TEA) website. Important sections include:

  • Texas Administrative Code, Title 19, Part 2, Chapter 61: This section outlines the general rules for school facilities, including signage requirements.
  • Texas Education Agency Guidelines: These guidelines provide detailed instructions and standards for school signage, ensuring compliance with state laws and ADA requirements.

By following these guidelines and checking with your location authorities, your school can not only meet the new regulations, but also enhance safety, accessibility, and the overall environment for everyone on campus. Ensuring that your signage is compliant is an investment in the well-being and security of your students, staff, parents, and visitors.

For more information on compliant signage solutions or assistance in upgrading your school’s signage to meet these new requirements, please contact us. We specialize in creating high-quality, durable, and compliant signs tailored to meet your school’s specific needs.